Entity Name | varchar(255) | Entity name | Entities | | | |
Entity ch-a Code | varchar(4) | Entity ch-aviation code (assigned by ch-aviation) | Entities | Primary | | |
Legal Name | varchar(255) | Entity legal name | Entities | | | |
Location | varchar(255) | Location airport name (closest airport if not based at airport itself) | Entities | | | |
Location ID | int(11) | Location ID (assigned by ch-aviation) | Entities | Foreign | Airports | Airport ID |
Continent | varchar(255) | Continent name | Entities | | | |
State Name | varchar(255) | State description | Entities | | | |
State Code | char(2) | ISO 3166-2 Alpha-2 subdivision code (used for states) | Entities | Foreign | States | State ISO |
Country | varchar(255) | Country name | Entities | | | |
Country ISO | char(2) | ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code | Entities | Foreign | Countries | Country ISO |
Country_IASA_Status | char(1) | Country International Aviation Safety Assessment program status (assigned by FAA): 0 – not assessed / 1 – Category 1 (meets ICAO standards) / 2 – Category 2 (does not meet ICAO standards) | Entities | | | |
Type | varchar(255) | Entity type | Entities | | | |
Type Code | char(1) | Entity type code (E: Engine Manufacturer, I: IT Provider, L: Lessor, X: Cargo Customer/Forwarder) | Entities | | | |
Status | varchar(255) | Entity status | Entities | | | |
Entity Info | varchar(255) | Free text remarks (where applicable) | Entities | | | |
Merged into | varchar(255) | Entity this particular entity has been merged into or rebranded to. | Entities | | | |
Merged into ch-a Code | varchar(4) | ch-aviation code for the successor entity as a result of a merger or rebranding | Entities | Foreign | Entities | Entity ch-a Code |
Website | varchar(255) | URL | Entities | | | |
Stock Ticker | varchar(255) | Stock market ticker | Entities | | | |
Launch Year | int(4) | Entity launch year | Entities | | | |
Termination Year | int(4) | Entity termination year | Entities | | | |
Total Seats in Fleet | decimal(10,0) | Number of total seats of all aircraft owned by the entity | Fleets | | | |
Number of Aircraft | bigint(20) | Number of aircraft owned by the entity | Fleets | | | |
Aircraft on Order | decimal(10,0) | Number of aircraft on order by the entity | Fleets | | | |
Number of Engines | decimal(10,0) | Number of engines fitted to aircraft owned by the entity | Fleets | | | |