This version was released to all our users on May 23, 2024. If you encounter any functions that are not working as expected, please notify us via

Accidents & Incidents

We have released a new module for ch-aviation PRO called “ch-aviation accidents and incidents”. This new aircraft Accident and Incident Data launched in cooperation with the Flight Safety Foundation features a comprehensive overview of accidents and incidents on an aircraft tail number level since the late 1950s. It’s the very first time that this type of data is fully mapped with fleet, occurrence, and loss category data, making it extremely easy to search and analyse for many different use cases. For more information about it, click here.

Operator Search:

Search by Operator Name or Code: We have implemented a change to any Operator Search field so that when you enter the IATA or ICAO code for a specific operator, the search will show any operator matching those codes at the top of the selection list.