We are excited to let you know that we have just rolled out a new module for ch-aviation PRO.

We call it ch-aviation accidents & incidents.

This module launched in cooperation with the Flight Safety Foundation features a comprehensive overview of accidents and incidents on an aircraft tail number level since the late 1950s. It’s the very first time that accident data is mapped with fleet and loss category data, making it extremely easy to search and analyse for many different use cases.

We have spent several years talking to various market stakeholders to understand the importance of categorisation within this type of data and decided to develop our product by meticulously mapping our existing fleet data with Flight Safety Foundation Accident and Incident Data, providing you with an invaluable tool for risk management and analysis. In addition, we have also incorporated detailed loss categories and subcategories for all events as of 2013, allowing you to get a deeper understanding of each incident or accident.

This data includes Operator details, Aircraft details, Casualties, Flight Nature/Phase, Event Location, Origin, Destination, Event Profile including Damage Type, Loss Category/Subcategory and a brief of the event along with further links to original sources.

Besides the aircraft tail number level, you can look into all events on an operator or airport level and conduct a search based on the main categories that we track:

  • Accident
  • Incident
  • Serious incident
  • Unknown Occurrence
  • Unlawful interference


Simply go to the Aircraft tab and, within the Accident and Incident Search tab, search for:

All bird strikes in South America in the last five years

All engine issues of A220s within the last five years

All B737 accidents and incidents in the last five years

All S7 Airlines accidents and incidents since their inception

All accidents and incidents at JFK Airport

All accidents and incidents – list of airlines in the same insurance pool

If you’re in the insurance market, you’d undoubtedly also be interested in identifying any recurring technical issues with specific aircraft variants or even tails. Such issues could significantly impact the risk associated with insuring certain portfolios. With our new Accident and Incident Data, you can now conduct research based on the following loss categories and subcategories:

Loss Category Loss Subcategory Explanation
Equipment / Mechanical System/Component Failure or Malfunction (Powerplant) Failure or malfunction of an aircraft system or component – related to the power plant. (Including the APU)
Equipment / Mechanical System/Component Failure or Malfunction (Non-Powerplant) Failure or malfunction of an aircraft system or component – other than the power plant.
Act of Nature Bird Strike Aircraft struck birds
Act of Nature Hail Aircraft damaged by hail while on ground or in-flight
Act of Nature Storm Aircraft damage whilst parked on the ground or in-flight as a result of a Storm (Hurricane, Typhoon, Wind, Cyclone, etc.)
Act of Nature Turbulence Cloud associated turbulence or Flights into windshear or thunderstorm-related turbulence
Act of Nature Lightning Strike Aircraft suffered lightning strikes in-flight or on the ground
Act of Nature Volcanic Ash / Debris Damaged caused by Volcanic Ash or debris
Act of Nature Hangar Collapse Aircraft damaged by a collapsed hangar due to weather
Act of Nature Runway Incursion – Animal Collision with/risk of collision with an animal or evasive action taken by an aircraft to avoid an animal on a runway in use
Act of Nature Other Another weather-related event
Act of Nature Lack of visibility Restricted visibility due to weather
Act of Nature Hard landing Aircraft made bounced or hard landing
Act of Nature Undershoot or Overshoot Aircraft misses the runway or goes beyond the end of the runway
Accidental Act Foreign Object Damage Aircraft damaged by a foreign object
Accidental Act Fuel Related Misfuelling, running out of fuel, dumping
Accidental Act Cargo Related Cargo movement, loading issues, fire/smoke
Accidental Act Icing Aircraft damage caused by icing
Accidental Act Runway Excursion Aircraft runs off the runway
Accidental Act Runway Incursion – (Non-Wildlife) An object on the runway (not an animal)
Accidental Act Ground Collision (with aircraft) Aircraft hits another aircraft (not flying)
Accidental Act Ground Collision – Other Aircraft hits another object, other than an aircraft
Accidental Act Fire/Smoke (non-impact) Fire not resulting from aircraft crash
Accidental Act Fire/Smoke (Post-Impact) Fire as a result of aircraft crash
Accidental Act Evacuation Injury caused whilst evacuation
Accidental Act Passenger Related Illness on-board, falls, injury due to turbulence
Accidental Act Pilot/Crew Related Pilot error, illness on-board, injury due to turbulence
Accidental Act Midair Collision Collision between aircraft in flight
Accidental Act Loss of control Aircraft damage due to loss of control
Accidental Act Drone Strike Unintentional collision by drone
Accidental Act Tailstrike Aircraft tail hit/strikes the ground during take-off or landing
Accidental Act Hard landing Aircraft made bounced or hard landing
Accidental Act Undershoot or Overshoot Aircraft misses the runway or goes beyond the end of the runway
Accidental Act Other
Intentional Act Security Related – pax/crew on-board Intentional crash, passenger actions, hijack
Intentional Act Security Related – third parties Attack on aircraft/airport
Intentional Act Drone Strike Intentional collision by drone
Intentional Act Seizure/Confiscation
Intentional Act Other
Undefined / Other Other/unknown

We also show accident and incident statistics for operators and airports. This will give you insights into:

  • total number of casualties, ground casualties and occupants
  • number of accidents/incidents by phase/nature/damage
  • number of accidents/incidents by category/loss category
  • a list of all events on a tail level

Within the airport profiles, you can also specify whether the accident or incident occurred at the airport itself or on a flight where the airport was the flight’s destination or origin.

To access the ch-aviation accidents and Incidents data, you’ll need a ch-aviation PRO subscription and the additional ch-aviation accidents and incidents module.

If you’d like to have a trial access, please fill in the form below: