Aircraft Lease End Dates:
Over the last couple of years we have built an extensive aircraft lease end-date database that we are now releasing.
The new aircraft lease end data is part of the ch-aviation fleets ownership module and will be displayed for every aircraft on an operating lease for which ch-aviation is able to provide confirmed dates or make projections. As a user, you will be able to look at expiring leases through 2030. This feature is a great addition to our aircraft finance data and our early 2020 release of Aircraft Valuations, which provides users with current market value and market lease rates for more than 28,000 aircraft in ch-aviation’s fleets database.
To be precise: We are now tracking Lease End Dates as well as Lease End Date ‘types’, down to a specific serial number. We are differentiating between Confirmed Lease End Dates, Minimum Confirmed Lease End Dates dates (if airlines only confirm that the aircraft will at least still be leased until a certain future year), and Estimated Lease End Dates as established by information provided airlines/lessors or estimations of our own.

On the module: Users of the ch-aviation fleets ownership module have direct, round-the-clock access to a comprehensive database of commercial aircraft in which they can set the necessary search parameters to filter for information they need. This module contains our full aircraft ownership data. It offers information such as the portfolio of lessors including the types and number of aircraft they own or manage. Our coverage currently extends to more than 1,000 aircraft legal owners worldwide as well as details on the underlying special purpose vehicles (SPVs) that own the aircraft with more being added every week.
In-Seat Video / In-Flight Connectivity
Two new features were released within the ch-aviation fleets advanced module. Our fleets database now tracks if each aircraft is equipped with in-seat video (with a breakdown by the cabin) and/or in-flight internet connectivity. We provide this data on a tail-by-tail level alongside other technical information, such as seating capacity, aircraft utilization, aircraft age, and engines installed — just to name a few.
On the module: The ch-aviation fleets advanced module is an extension of ch-aviation PRO, enabling you to access our detailed aircraft production lists with over 50,000 aircraft around the world currently being tracked, including engine information, utilization data, utilization forecasts, orders placed with all the large aircraft manufacturers, and additional valuable information.
Seeing a growing demand for airline data intelligence in these times of unprecedented changes in the industry, ch-aviation is speeding up our planned fleet data developments to deliver more data for our customers. Stay tuned for more upcoming, big releases which will add significant value for our ch-aviation PRO subscribers.
PRODUCT UPDATE WEBINAR: Join one of our product update webinars and learn how to use and find the new Lease End Date / In-Seat Video / In-Flight Connectivity Data. Please click HERE to subscribe.