This version was released on May 17, 2024, to all of our users. If you encounter any functions that are not working as expected, please notify us via


White Space: We have released a general update to reduce unused whitespace across the entire user interface. All Searches, Search Results, and Tables are now more condensed and contain more rows on each page.


Layout Issue: There was a layout issue with the Base information. Some Airports with very long names (e.g. Basel/Mulhouse/Freiburg) would exceed the frame of the box. This issue has been fixed.

Aircraft Search:

Saved View: There was an issue with the Aircraft Search, and some saved views would not fully load. We fixed that bug, and the data from saved views is now showing correctly.

Aircraft Owner: Sometimes, an Aircraft Search did not return all aircraft owners in the database. This has been fixed, and we now show all owners that we keep track of.

Date field: We changed the layout of the “Date field” search box in the Aircraft Search so it is now easier to read and use.

Schedule Search:

Departure Period/Date – In the “Departure Date” and Departure Period” search boxes you can now select years up until 2030.

Timetables: We fixed an issue with the Schedule Search and Route Search columns so they are now properly aligned.