This version was released to all our users on September 4, 2024. If you encounter any functions that are not working as expected, please notify us via

Schedule Search – Focus Issue:

We’ve fixed a bug with focus on Schedule Search. While scrolling through schedule search results, we’re now “saving” your position, so if you click on the flight page and go back to schedule search, we will return you to the exact same position on the website.

Account Management – “Create a Region”:

In the “My Region” tab under Account Management, we’ve fixed a bug that was preventing users from creating and editing regions. This update ensures that you can now seamlessly create, modify, and manage your regions without any interruptions.

Accidents & Incidents – “Occurrence Category” Column:

We identified an issue where the “Occurrence Category” column was not being displayed when selected in the “Edit View” option. This bug has now been resolved, and the column is correctly displayed.

Global Search: ESC Key Functionality:

To improve user experience, we’ve introduced a new feature to the Global Search function. You can now close the search panel by pressing the “ESC” key on your keyboard. This small but impactful update makes navigating our platform even more user-friendly.

This concludes all changes made with this update. To see the change notes for previous updates, please click here.